Farewell to 2020, and let’s welcome 2021 with open arms! Plus, a dedicated message from our CEO!
We have words from our CEO! What we have achieved with Eternal Wallet could not have been possible without his input and dedication, and we hope you take the time to read his heartfelt message!
No words can describe how much of an eventful year 2020 was. However, we hope that all of you managed through the turbulence, changes, and the new normal that we have all adapted to.
However, one thing that has been consistent is the dedication and efforts we have put into developing and progressing the Eternal Wallet project.
Despite several setbacks, we want all our users to know that we are still fighting strong and pushing development to the utmost degree. We are working day and night to deliver on our promise of providing the world with the most affordable currency exchange.
Next year, we hope you will all take part in our Demo Eternal Wallet trading campaign that starts on the 11th Jan. Set your phones, mark your calendars, and await what is to be the biggest revolution in overseas remittance!