Join us for our latest updates: Bookmarks, New Partnership, and the chance to work with us!
Latest Progress: 43%
Completion of: Address Bookmark UI Design and System.
How much does it frustrate you when you have to type in a specific (and often long) deposit/withdrawal address every single time you operate a transaction?
With this Address Bookmark feature, users will be able to bookmark and label their frequently used deposit and withdrawal destinations for a more convenient and user-friendly experience. No more hassle of looking up through an endless list of addresses, users can select their favorites at the click or tap of a button!
Latest Partnership tie-up with Indian FinTech Firm
Furthermore, we are proud to introduce our new business partner, Bitronics Pvt Ltd. (India), a group of experienced system engineers to expedite the development process!
Some more information about our new partners:
Bitronics Pvt Ltd., is a system development venture company founded in 2018, headquartered in Hyderabad, AKA India’s very own Silicon Valley.
Bitronics provides a wide range of IT system developments such as Blockchain, IoT development, Face Recognition system, and much more.
With this partnership with Bitronics, we believe this will further improve the variation of services we can offer and accelerate the development progress of Eternal Wallet.
Future plans and strategies
In the coming months, we are looking to partner up with more companies to expand our reach into various sectors, not just overseas remittance.
We are looking into partnerships with including, but not limited to payment service providers, banking institutions, VR (virtual reality) technologies, and blockchain-operated games such as MMORPGs for the digital age.
If you happen to own, or are a part of such an operation and would be willing to collaborate or form a partnership, we would be delighted to know more.
In any kind of sector, we would be willing to hear from you.
Please contact our E-mail address,